
Monday, July 26, 2010

Twilight ECLIPSE Birthday Cake

Laura is now 13 years old! Since my kids were born, I make them a special birthday cake for their birthday parties. Their birthday parties have been centered around a theme... their birthday cake reflects those themes.

This year, Laura's birthday theme was Eclipse, from the twilight saga. I created this cake using fondant. Laura and her party guests were very happy with this red velvet cake.

Creating a book on top of a "table" with a white table cloth was inpired by Laura's love of reading. Although the twilight saga are among her favorite books, the birthday cake also represents Laura's love of books. I wanted to capture that part of her personality on the cake for her 13th Birthday.

I placed the actual Eclipse book next to the cake. I created the cake version of the book, the same size as the real book.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Son Alex and Spongebob Homemade Card

My son Alex is only 6 years old but he is very charming and bright. During our recent visit to El Paso to visit my family, Alex gave a homemade card to his cousin Tony. We celebrated Tony's 16th birthday during our visit.

For as long as I can remember, Tony has been a huge and loyal fan of Spongebob. Alex remembered that and before leaving for our trip, Alex drew Tony's favorite characters. It was quit simple, he took an 8.5 x 11 paper...folded in half and drew the characters using only a pencil. Alex did these drawings 100% on his own!

Truly, this card came from the heart -- that did not surprise me at all. Alex loves to draw and is extremely creative and imaginative whether he is playing with his GeoTrax, Dinosuars or Stuffed Animals.

But I must confess, this card surprised me. The details in these characters impressed me. I am a very proud mama and would like to showcase my son's least for me, it's ART!
I just love all the details ....

This is the inside part of the card. The photos above are just closeup of the characters.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy 13th Birthday Laura!

Today is my daughter's 13th Birthday! She is smart, loving and very creative. Laura is an avid reader. Thanks to Laura, five years ago I re-discovered a love of reading.

Laura also loves Project Runway. She loves to sketch and create fashion on paper and on her DSI game system.

Here are some photos of Laura's designs.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Junebug!

Today is my dear Friend's birthday. June and I have been friends for many years. Back in the day when she and I learned how to paint. She is a very special person to everyone in my family. She is like a sister to me, and my kids call her Aunt June. David also considers June family.

I wish I could celebrate June's birthday with June, like we did before we moved to Colorado. But, that is not possible. Although we are currently in the same State of Texas, I am in El Paso and she is in San Antonio (a 9 hour drive!), we are still too far away.

This is one of the gifts I made for June. I purchased the vintage foam dress form on Etsy and has so much fun decorating it with layers of edged punch paper, lace, sequin and paper roses.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Birthday Tradition Between Sisters

My sister Gaby often teases me that I got all creative genes and left nothing for her. Gaby, you are creative, everyone in our family is creative. My mom sewed wedding dresses, my dad creates wonderful works of art with steel (he is a welder), my brother can draw and illustrate. Gaby is a 3rd grade teacher and she is creative in her methods of teaching and she has an eye for decorating.

As the scrapbooker in the family, I love to take lots of pictures of our family when the kids and I visit El Paso, TX every summer. For years now, I create some type of a scrapbook for my sister for her birthday (June 24th). I use the pictures I took during our visit from the summer before. So this year's scrapbook, prepared in 2010 has many photos from 2009!

Here is the cover for my sister Gaby's scrapbook with closeup photos. Happy 41st Birthday Sis!

We will be on the road to El Paso tomorrow morning...
I created some of the embellishments, like the paper rolled flowers and clay buttons. I purchased a few from Making Memories and Prima Flowers. However, one of my favorite purchases is the crochet doilies from Sweet Vintage 78, a lovely store on Etsy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Downtown Denver - County Building - Symphony Concert, Light Show and Fireworks!!

This is the first time the kids and I have been in Denver during the 4th of July Holiday since we moved to Colorado almost 4 years ago. David asked that we delay our annual trip to El Paso, TX until after the 4th of July Holiday. I am so glad we did!

On Saturday, July 3rd, we enjoyed a picnic dinner in City Park (between the State Capital and County Building). It rained, just a little bit but then the sun provided a magnificient view of the State Capital. A while later, Denver's Symphony Orchestra played beautiful patriotic music. Along with the music, the County building was the backdrop to a wonderful light show.

As the symphony concert came to the end, it was playing the 1812 overture (a favorite of mine), the fireworks started!!

Words really can't describe here is a sampling of the pictures we took. It was a great family night for all of us.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

VIP Tickets to Twilight Eclipse Movie!

It has been quit an exciting few days around my home. Last Friday, I received an e-mail about a Twilight Eclipse event at Sloan's Lake Park in Denver. I called several of our twilight friends and we made plans to attend Saturday evening.

Laura's friends, Emily and Sophie. Emily's mom, Lori Lynn and I had a great time at the park. Sadly, Lisa (Sophie's mom) had to work so she was not able to join us. Soon after we arrived, a light drizzle rain arrived too. We thought, or hoped, it was over but we only got a short reprieve because a short while later the rain really come down. We were soaked and cold. But, it was all worth it.

First, Laura, Emily and Sophie dressed to reflect their love of twilight. When they were at the Vitamin Water booth, they made such an impression that Jennifer (she worked at the booth) gave them VIP tickets to the Eclipse moving screening on June 29! So exciting for all of us because their moms got the VIP tickets as well. We made sure Lisa got a VIP pass as well.

Second, the sun came out and we got to enjoy various twilight activities at the park. We all got free twilight merchandise like pens and bracelets. We got a group photo with the Eclipse movie backdrop.

Third, we got to have our shirts signed by the two actors who made an appearance at the event.

Pictures and more details below.

Fourth, we got to see the New Moon movie outdoors in the park. It almost felt like we were in a drive in movie, a thing that you have to be about my age (44) to remember once existed.

Fifth, we all just had just a great time at the park. And although I am 44, I felt much younger. I owe that to my daughter and this whole Twilight phenomena.

So, on Tuesday, June 29th it felt like we got to experience all this again. Except this time, we got to see the Eclipse movie in a very nice theatre. The event was at Cinebarre in Thornton, CO.

Again, we enjoyed more activies. The girls got a makeup makeover which they loved. We took memorable pictures in a picture booth, I will be making them into a bookmark for all of us. Great appetizers and Vitamin water was provided.

Here is a picture of the VIP pass:

While the girls were getting their makeup makeover, Lisa and I went to go play some twilight Trivia. Lisa was the first winner. Eventually, I won too. We were so happy with our winnings, an Eclipse t-shirt, pins and magnets.

I made this felted wool handbag just for the VIP event. When I saw the black wool sweater at the thrift store, I knew I would create a "twilight" style handbag. I had not had time to make it, so on Tuesday morning I decided I would at least try. To my surprise I actually finish my handbag. I added one of my felted wool twilight pins and a large twilight charm I had previously purchased and it was ready.

Now, back to Saturday's event at Sloan's Lake Park. The two cast members who made an appearance were Booboo Stewart (plays Seth Clearwater) and Tinsel Korey (who plays Emily). They play member of the Quileuete tribe and the Wolf Pack, the werewolfs of twilight.

Laura, Sophie and Emily were ready to meet the cast members and patiently waited for them to come to where they were, right next to the barricades. The barriers were set on an oval shape, with the inflatable movie screen inside that oval. I went across the barrier (other side of the oval) so I could I take a picture of the girls. To my surprise, Tinsel came over to the area I where I was standing. I asked her to sign my shirt...that was an unexpected treat for me. The girls were so focused on Booboo Stewart, they did not even notice that I had my shirt signed.

Sadly, the actors were called to the tent by the inflatable movie screen, and although the girls were just 10 feet away, Booboo Stewart had to leave the line and was not able to give them an autograph. The event activities continued with the actos Q & A. Laura and Sophie would not leave their spot. They are so dedicated I was not surprised but I did not think they were going to get an autograph. Well, their dedication and faith paid off because Sophie got a hug from Booboo and a photo with Booboo and Laura got a hug and her shirt signed. They were so happy and excited! Sadly, Emily was not able to get an autograph.

Laura's shirt signed by Booboo Stewart:

How did they manage to get Booboo Stewart's attention? Sophie and Laura and a group of other girls managed to get his attention by screaming "TEAM SETH" Team Edward (Laura) and Team Jacob (Sophie) switched teams in that moment and joined forces to get a memorable memory.

My shirt signed by Tinsel Korey:

She was very sweet:

And, by the way, Laura and I loved the movie! We all had a great time and a great opportunity to bond with our daughters, which in the end, is my favorite part of all this. We had two very memorable evenings.