
Monday, September 26, 2011

A Very Sad Day for My Family

As I write this, David, Laura, Alex and I find ourselves in Albuquerque, NM.  This morning I received very sad news.  We lost a dear member of our brother in law, Robert Estrada.  He leaves behind a wife (my sister Gaby) and two teenage boys, Tony and Santos.  My kids lost a beloved uncle today.  I lost a brother. 

 Robert was a person who loved his family deeply.  We never questioned his love for us.  This is a huge loss for my daughter Laura (age 14).  My son Alex, only 7 years old, now has to experience a loss he cannot yet comprehend.  I told him his uncle is now in heaven.  It broke my heart when Alex cried and asked, "who will hang out with me early in the mornings?"  You see, when the kids and I spend two weeks each summer in El Paso, we stay at my sister's home.  We are all night owls, except for Alex.  Although Robert would also stay up late, he was the one person Alex could count on to wake up early in the morning.  He would take care of Alex.  Find tv shows about dinosuars, even get Alex some breakfast.    Robert cherished the time he spent with Laura and Alex and they cherished the time they spent with their uncle. 

Since Alex is so young it is hard for him to undertstand.  When I told Alex he now has someone in heaven who will watch over him, it gave him some comfort.  I lost my uncle when I was only 4 years old.  That was my first experience with death and it affected me deeply.  My uncle lived with us at the time and he was only 18 years old when he died.  Although I was only 4 years old, I have never forgotten him. I have always believed he has watched over me all these years.   My mom helped me keeps his memory alive.  I will do the same for Alex, and help him to never forget his uncle Robert. 

Tomorrow, we plan on an early start as we drive to El Paso, TX.   I want to be with my sister and the rest of my family.   It will be difficult to go to their home and know that Robert is gone.  Next summer...I can't even think that far ahead.  

 Robert, I know you are in a better place...we love you and we will all miss you more than words can in peace.

Robert Estrada, summer 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Flower Class - Stampin' Up

This past Wednesday, I attended a flower making class.  It was held by a Stampin' Up representative, Jane McGill.  As always, I learned new techniques on making paper flowers.  I enjoyed the class very much.  Here are pictures of the flowers I created.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday!  She has always inspired me to be myself and I know I got much of my creative genes from her...thanks mom.  This is the birthday card I made for my mom.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Vintage Linen Pincushions - White Ceramic

Last night I finished a large batch of pin cushions.  I used German glass glitter on the edges of the small white ceramic bowls for the pin cushions.  I like using this vintage style of glitter as it will develop a patina color as it ages.  Since the linens are all vintage, I thought the glitter edge would be an added vintage touch.   

Round shape bowls from Pier 1 and the flower shape bowls purchased at an estate sale this summer.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stuffing...Making Progress

I continue to work towards making more dress-form pin cushions, stuffed birds and small bowl pin cushions using the vintage linens I acquired during this last summer.  I have most of the stuffing portion done.  The next portion is the most fun...putting all the pieces together.

Pin Cushions for small bowls

Pin Cushions for small bowls

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lots to Sew...

This has been a busy week!  Among other things, I have been working on more items for the upcoming craft fairs.  I have cut lots of embroidered and applique vintage linens into dress-form shapes, circles for pin cushions and buttons.  In addition to that, I have decided to create little stuff birds, also from vintage linens.  So, now, I have lots of sewing....followed by stuffing (polyester batting) and some hand-stitching!  

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Wonderful Birthday!

On last weeks post, I mentioned my friend June was coming to visit from Texas.  On Wednesday morning, I picked her up at the airport.  We headed towards Commerce City to visit a little shop, It's Cheaper Than Therapy.  June and I both love to use our Sizzix machines and dies, but what I did not know was that she frequently shops online at this very store! Although I live in the area, I had never made it to the actual store front...I had only placed an order online.   So, imagine our delight at the opportunity to visit the shop in person and realize we both love this online shop.   We were both very happy with our new die purchases.  We were like children at the candy store.

Thursday and Friday mornings, we shopped several Estate Sales.  Thursday we also shopped at my friend Carolyn's Vintage shop -  The Vintage Vendors in historic old town Littleton (5776 S. Rapp St.).   June and I found little treasures we could not live without...the best part is that we got to spend time together.  Phone calls, cards, e-mails are great...but, really, spending time in person is something we both value the most since I moved to Colorado. 

The reason for June's visit?   One of them was it was my birthday!  Last Thursday I...well, I am now a year older.  I was touched by my family and friends who called, gave/sent  me cards or sent me messages via Facebook.  Again, thank you to all who thought of me on that day and especially to those who even sang happy birthday over the dad, my sister Gaby & nephews, my friend Amy.  It was truly a fun day for me.  I got to hang out with June all day, my daughter Laura baked me my favorite...turtle brownies.  Laura did a fantastic job...the brownies were moist and perfect.  Laura was a little sneaky though, she put trick candles so it took         f-o-r-e-v-e-r     to blow out those candles...Alex and Laura had to help me! It was funny and memorable.

 Saturday morning, June and my family (yes, hubby and both kids) went to the Paris Street Market in Aspen Grove.  It's a great vintage market held on the first Saturday of each month (May - October).  Again, more purchases were made by June and I.  Afterwards, we took June to the airport.  She returned safely home to San Antonio. 
Isabel and June --BFFs

Friday, September 2, 2011

Upcycled Felted Wool Butterfly Hair Pins

Mini felted wool butterflies are truly versatile.  Not only have I made them into magnets and rings, but also hair pins.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Upcycled Felted Wool Butterfly Pins - Medium Size

Years ago, I used this old Sizzix butterfly die to create butterfly bookmarks. I still have some available on my Etsy shop.  Although I still love to read the actual book, I know many now read their books using electronic devices.  My daughter Laura (avid reader) wants a Kindle for Christmas.  
Rather than create more bookmarks, I decided to create pins.