
Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Staci! Did you say 40?

Today is Staci's 40th Birthday!!  I always look forward to my friends birthdays because I get to celebrate with them.  I don't know who has more fun, them or me!   Staci's birthday helped get me out of a place where I did not feel creative.   I recently re-organized my scrapbook/craft  room.  Between felting, crochet flowers, fabrics/sewing, scrapbooking and painting I have A LOT of supplies!  Although I love all my stuff, it get's overwhelming and organization is key to my creativity.  During this re-organization, I was feeling overwhelmed and not creative at all. Realizing Staci's birthday was approaching was all I needed to get creative again.  I am not done with my craft room re-organization but I shifted gears and created some birthday gifts.

I love Sweetwater fabrics and their blog.  I am a member of their monthly label crew which corresponds to a monthly kit purchased at their Etsy store.  I put together the kit for February, you can see their blog here.   This is my first quilt style bag that I have created.  Most of Staci's birthday gifts will fit inside.

The next project was inspired by my craft room re-organization.  I love decorative pins and realized I have acquired an extensive collection.  I wanted to display them rather than just be in a box.  Recently, I went to Pier 1 and found these little appetizer dishes.  I saw something else, I saw pin cushions!  I took these dishes with me to Joann's and found styrofoam balls that fit inside.  I cut the styrofoam ball in half, covered it in fabric and, I have a pin cushion to display my pins.  Since Staci loves pins as well, I decided to give her one of these (along with the pins).
Staci also got me started on Estate Sales so it's appropriate I would make one of her gifts from a find.  Sometimes, on Friday mornings I will go to an estate sale that is near my home.  About two weeks ago, I found a package of these tart tins for $1.00 at an estate sale.   Again, inspired by my room re-organization, I created another type of pin cushion. 
I am also a fan of Jenni Bowlin  and recently saw a post on one of her blogs. Using tart tins, she created a box with a vintage wood thread spool.  I also found many of these wood thread spools at the estate sale several weeks ago.  Of course, that inspired my own version...I placed a little fun ring I found at Pier 1 for Staci inside this little "box".

Recently, I discovered Maya Road makes these large size bottle caps.  I think this one is about 3 inches.  You can see a post by Maya Road here.  Using paper from DCWV, The Mademoiselle Stack, I created this magnet for Staci.  I played with silver German glass glitter...I need to figure out a way to keep the glitter from traveling.  I hoped to keep the glitter to the edge, but as you can see, it did not stay there.

And, of course, I needed to make a birthday card.  So, I played with vintage style paper, crepe paper, rhinestones, tattered angels mist and more German glass glitter.

Lastly, over the weekend, I played with a new technique for satin flowers.  I learned this technique from 217 Creations .  This time, I attached many layers of diecut satin flowers (used sizzix) with a brad and then used my heat gun to melt the satin petals/layers to create this melted satin vintage flower.  I am attaching one of these experimental flowers to Staci's other gift (did not fit into the fabric gift bag).

Staci and I had plans for a birthday lunch today but she called, literally as I was working on my blog post, to reschedule our plans for Wednesday.  Her daughter is home sick today. Carli, hope you feel better soon.  I will drop off her birthday gifts this afternoon.   So, Staci, thanks for inspiring me to get creative.

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