
Monday, January 16, 2012

Isa Creations Vintage - A New Name on ETSY

I have given this some thought and finally decided to make a change to my Etsy shop.  Originally, when I first signed on to Etsy I was just shopping.   My user name was Catpainter.  When I opened my shop on Etsy, I kept my original user name not realizing at the time I should probably of started a new account under a new name.  Once I realized this, my store had many items for sale and honestly, I did not have it in me to start over.

Recently, Etsy has given it's shop owners the option to change their shop names.  We only get to do this ONE time.  So, despite the fact that my business cards have as my Etsy web address, I have decided to change the name to reflect my business name:  Isa Creations.  In order to reconcile both, years ago I added Isa Creations by Catpainter on my Etsy Banner.   The good news is, Etsy will re-direct to the new address:

Sadly, I did run into an unexpected problem.  The name Isa Creations is already in use by someone on Etsy.  I checked, it's not a shop name but apparently (according to ETSY) it could be a user name or a name used by someone who closed their shop.   So, I had to think about this.  Do I change my Etsy shop name or leave it the same?

Finally, I decided to change it to Isa Creations Vintage.  I chose Vintage because so many of the items I create use Vintage materials like embroidered linens, buttons, tart tins, thread spools....see what I mean?  I am also considering adding a vintage section to my shop where I will sell some vintage buttons I have been collecting from numerous estate sales.  So, really, the name change reflects my current name with an addition to reflect the direction of my little shop. 

With the name change, I thought a change in my Etsy shop banner was in order..  I wanted the banner to reflect my use of felted wool and vintage linens along with my love of butterflies and flowers.  Here is my new Etsy Shop Banner:

Here is a view of my shop:

I have spent countless hours this past week updating my shop.  I plan to continue to add to it but for now, I think I have a good sampling posted.  Come by and visit my Etsy shop.

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