
Monday, January 2, 2012

Wonderful Surprise...I got Published in Belle Armoire!

Happy New Year!  We had a wonderful time this past weekend with our dear friends, the Heddens Family (who came from Houston, TX) in Keystone.  The fireworks at Keystone by the outdoor ice skating rink were fantastic...although, we were all very cold!

Just before we left for Keystone, I received a wonderful surprise from Stampington & Co.  My work was published in one of their magazines, Belle Armoire (Winter 2012 Issue).  They had a creative call for two articles, Fabulously Felted and Perfectly Pinned.  I submitted some of my felted work and to my surprise, they published it!

      Part of Fabulously Felted Article-- my matching Handbag and Scarf.


Part of Perfectly Pinned two felted pins.


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