
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Alex's Sleepover Birthday Party

My little boy is almost 9 years old.  His birthday is March 23rd -- next Saturday.  As luck would have it, we will be in Houston, TX on his birthday.  Alex was born in Houston.  We will be in Houston with his godparents (and our dear friends) on his birthday, the 23rd!

Tina is already planning on making Alex a birthday cake so we can all celebrate his birthday next Saturday.  It will be great as both families cherish the time we get to spent together, especially since we moved to Colorado over 6 years ago.

Last night, Saturday the 16th, Alex had his birthday party.  It was extra special because it was the first time he has had a sleepover birthday party.  We limited to 2 friends, which was not a problem because Alex has 2 best friends.  He, JR and Ryan had a great time.  The boys enjoyed pizza and treats for dinner.  They created a huge GeoTrax display, played with Legos and watched Diary of a Whimpy Kid and Diary of a Whimpy Kid: Dog Days movies.  Suddenly we would hear 3 boys laughing out loud at the same time while they watched the movies.  Their night ended with a pillow fight.  This morning they ate breakfast then enjoyed an indoor easter egg hunt with bright sport theme plastic eggs.

Alex absolutely loved his party and has been very appreciate.  Always makes a parent proud when your kid is appreciative!

As it is tradition with me, I decorated Alex's birthday cake.  This year's the theme was Lego's (Lego City).  Anyone who knows Alex knows that is his absolute favorite thing in the world (and Star Wars, combined them, well you get the picture!).  He wants to be a Lego Engineer when he grows up.  He is an extremely creative and funny kid.

Now, I also have to mention that Alex has always celebrated his birthday with his grandpa Wagner.   Usually, we would see his grandparents in Austin during our Spring Break.  We would get together and he and his grandpa would share a cake and we would all celebrate both birthdays.  Sadly, that will no longer happen since we lost his grandpa to Cancer last June.

Today would of been Grandpa Wagner's birthday.  March 17th is St. Patrick's day, but is was also Richard Wagner's birthday.  We miss you and think of you everyday.

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