
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A day at the Auction...

My idea of treasure hunting is estate sale shopping.  I like that if I can get my hand on the item and the price is right, I can purchase it at that moment. My husband David prefers the auctions for his treasure hunting.  Instead of us having a "date night" at the movies, we will spend a Sunday morning at the auction while Laura takes care of her brother at home.  David is the one bidding at the auction.  Even if there is a box of vintage linens I have an interest in, he is the one doing the bidding.  I have a hard time following the bidding process and occasionally I am not sure if he is the winning bidder or not.  Like I said, the auctions is his comfort zone...mine is estate sales.

About a week and half ago, May 19th I went to the auction by myself.  David and I checked out the auction preview on Saturday and while he checked on a piece of furniture, I found a box full of vintage jell-O molds!  My supply of vintage jello-O molds was almost gone!  I need them for my vintage linen pin cushions and I had not found many in the last few months at estate sales. 

The furniture David had interest in was not what he expected so he decided he did not need to go back to the auction on Sunday.  David also had lots of yard work to catch up on and spending the day at the auction for a box of Jell-O molds was just not efficient use of his time.

I knew I had to try to get that box of Jell-O molds so with some coaching from my husband, I thought..."I can do this."


I did it!

I was a bit nervous while I bid on various item but in the end I have to say, I was proud of myself.  I came home with that box of Jello-O mold plus a box full of vintage lace/linens and a box full of vintage sewing treasures....

140 molds $10

A box of Vintage lace and linens $20

Box full of Vintage Buttons and other sewing notions, including vintage sewing books $10

Box of Jell-O mold also had a scale and unused vintage cookie press

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