
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sweet Girls on Lined Zippered Bags by Isa Creations

I have had this fabric for some time; I don't remember who created this fabric.  When I purchased it, I knew I would make lined zippered bags that would accommodate readers/tablets like Nook/Kindle-Fire or iPads.

I used Vintage Chenille fabrics and lined the inside of the bag with coordinating fabric.  Each bag is also lined with a layer of fusible fleece for added support.

I took extra time and care to free-style stitch the girls hair and outline of their dresses.  In some cases, I even free-style stitched words.  These bags will also be available at Sugar Plum Bazaar this Saturday and Sunday at the Parkside Mansion in Denver, CO.  For more details on the location and times, please visit Sugar Plum's Facebook page here.

Free-style stitching on the hair...

Zipper pull has a key and a charm...

Most of the items I will have at Sugar Plum will be newly created items.  My booth will be in the first floor, in the first room as you enter the Mansion from the front.  Hope to see you there.

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