
Friday, September 5, 2014

Buntings or Garlands - Chalkboard and Vintage Hankies


Buntings or Garlands

Lots and lots of them.

They will all be available this Saturday, September 6th
A Paris Street Market in Aspen Grove

 Chalkboard and Vintage Hankies

This will be extra long post with photos since A Paris Street Market is tomorrow.

 Two separate chalkboard garlands or buntings.  One large enough for Happy or Sweet or Baby.  The other long enough for Christmas, Birthday, Sixteen, etc.  All the chalkboard garlands have been seasoned with chalk and are ready to personalize.

I have created over 20 vintage hankie buntings or garlands.  Most are color themed and two are just white vintage hankies.  This is a sample of them:

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