Although I have blogged very little this summer, it was a productive summer for Isa Creations:)
My blog postings this summer were mostly about the Spring Markets. I planned on posting about the June's A Paris Street Market but at this point in time I decided not to.
I will be at A Paris Street Market in Aspen Grove, Littleton, Colorado this Saturday from 8-3pm. I will post a preview of new items today and tomorrow.
This summer went by too fast.
For the first time in years, I decided not to take a road trip to El Paso, Texas. Instead, boarded a small plane ( not my favorite) and flew to El Paso. The trip was also shorter than usual, just under a week rather than 2. Spent most mornings with my parents and afternoons with my sister. Some evenings were spent with life long friends and extended family. Most nights my sister and I watched movies - we love to watch movies together. The El Paso trip was early June, a week after A Paris Street Market.
Early July, we embarked on our annual family road trip to a different part of Texas- Corpus Christi, Austin and San Antonio. Usually we make this trip in the Spring but Laura's College Spring break was a week before Alex's so we decided to take the road trip during the summer. Texas in summer- only because we had no choice! LOL:)
The day before the road trip, a routine car maintenance visit turned into a very unpleasant surprise. We knew the car had a little leak - easy enough to fix, right? No!
The car has many little leaks. Long story short, in order to properly fix every little leak, the car engine would need to be removed to have access to all the gaskets because apparently every seal/ gaskets have issues. That night we rented a car for the road trip. The car troubles would simply have to wait.
Our family road trip was fun. We all had a good time. This summer we started with several days in Padre Islamd/Corpus Christi, Texas. We enjoyed our time in a 2 bedroom condo by the beach. Pier fishing, walking on the beach, swimming and playing in the sand.
Our next stop was Austin, Texas. Wonderful time spent with the entire Wagner family. Played lots of board games with Grandma Ruth, dinner with my brother in law Richard, Sheila and his two kids - Chris and Haleigh.
We are grateful our friends, Alan and Tina drove from Houston to Austin to spend Friday afternoon with us. After lunch we spent time in a vintage arcade. Loved playing games and was especially amused to learn, like me, they are fans of the Walking Dead show (love that show). Alan and I played the Walking Dead game. I was surprised I outlived Alan in this game. I think he let me win! Spending time with Tina and Alan only made me miss them more. There are few things I miss about living in Houston, our friends is one of them.
The next morning we met our dear friend Cindy for breakfast in San Antonio. Cindy was our next door neighbor when we lived in Houston. I can't believe we have lived in Littleton for 10 years now. Ten years is how long we lived in the house in Houston where our kids were born (that house will always have a special place in my heart).
After breakfast we headed to June and David's home. We always have a great time with them. They are family to us. Our weekend in San Antonio went too fast.
Monday morning we were headed back home. We made one stop along the way - the famous Cadillac Ranch!
Spending time in June's craft studio inspired me so much. I was sketching ideas and was excited to test my sketches when we returned home. An idea started brewing which became fabric and felt key-chains using wafer thin dies and sewing illustration technique.

End of July Alex and I had a great time with my friend Amy and her family. We went to the Renaissance Festival. We all dressed up as pirates! David, my husband had to work and Laura also had to work all day at her summer job at Hobby Lobby. We missed them but Alex and I had a wonderful day.
Beginning of August was the dreaded scheduled surgery for Laura. Her tonsils should have been removed by the ENT who removed her a annoids when she was 4 years old in Houston. But much to everyone's surprise, including Laura pediatrician, THAT know it all ENT refused to removed the tonsils along with the annoids. There was a big debate at the time, all the doctors recommended the tonsils be removed but the ENT was adamant there was no medical reason! Wished I could remember her name because I really wanted to send her an email to let her know how wrong she was. I wish Laura did not have to endure two horrible weeks following the surgery. When they tell you recovering from a tonsillectomy when you are an adult is horrible, it's not an overstatement! It was an awful painful recovery for Laura, especially the first week where there was no relief from pain. The first week also involved two visits to the ER. Laura appreciated all her friends who came to visit her. She learned who her real friends are during this ordeal.
Laura hoped to return to work before returning to CSU but she was too weak to return. She originally was going to drive herself to school but instead I drove her back to Ft. Collins and rented a car to return home. My husband was out of town that entire week, otherwise we both would of made that drive. Thankfully, my friend and neighbor Kelly took my son Alex to the middle school orientation so I could take Laura to CSU. Alex loved going to the middle school orientation with his best friend Ryan.
Now, we are all settling back into the routine after the summer. Laura is starting her sophomore year in college. Alex is a 7th grader. I'm returning to the fall and holiday season of markets in addition to returning to work as a substitute teacher at my neighborhood elementary school (usually start subbing mid to late September).
In between all the traveling and surgery, I stayed busy creating. I have to say this was one of my most productive summers. I created many more new Camper tea towels, camper drink coasters, camper pillows, vintage hankie headbands, many key-chains (house, campers, VW buses, cameras), and in the last week vintage lace/vegan leather bracelet cuffs with vintage rhinestones jewelry. I had fun at the Pink Attic Cat's A Mid Summer Nights Event a few weeks ago.
Although I have not kept my blog up to date, I have posted regularly during this summer on Instagram, IsaCreationsVintage.
Starting next week, I plan to start creating Halloween handcrafted item, followed by Christmas.
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